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09 November 2022

Rodney's Ravings: Auckland's decline will sow the seeds for its next outperformance

A mix of high residential construction levels and a falling population has proven a bit of a nasty cocktail for Auckland house prices. But they're the same factors that will usher in the region's recovery.

26 October 2020

Honeymoon offers and 1.99%; why it's important to look beyond the headline

If you’re familiar with us, you’ll know that at Squirrel we don’t like to pull punches so here goes. Heartland Bank came out with a staggering mortgage rate of 1.99% fixed for 1-year. Naturally everyone got excited, but what is it actually? Since then, no other banks have followed.

01 May 2018

Is Auckland good value?

We ran a seminar recently where we were lucky enough to hear from the design champion for Auckland and that led me to thinking: if Auckland was a company, would I buy it?