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We compare mortgage rates so you don't have to.

You could be saving thousands on your home loan, and without necessarily having to switch banks. 

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How can Squirrel help with your mortgage?

One of the benefits of using a mortgage broker is we can negotiate with your existing bank from a position of power. We can

  • Review your mortgage 
  • Give you unbiased advice and a recommendation
  • Negotiate with your bank or help you switch to another
  • Structure your mortgage in a way that works for you


We do the hard work so you don't have to

Better mortgage rates

We arrange around $3 billion of loans per year which gives us negotiating power and access to better rates.

More choices

We deal with more lenders than other brokers, giving you more options.

Our advisers aren't incentivised

They're paid the same no matter which lender you end up with, so you know you won't get pushed into a loan you don't want or can't afford.

Better technology

Our online application takes less than 10 minutes, and will help us focus on what's most important to you.

More banks, more choices (means a better deal)

Get your mortgage right and it's the easiest money you'll make.

Our team of mortgage brokers are whizzes at perfecting a mortgage structure.

Rather than putting all your eggs in one basket at one interest rate, depending on your situation we'll usually advise splitting your mortgage across different terms and rates. We’re pretty clued up about the economy and rate movement so we’ll help you make an informed decision.

Why bother getting so technical?

The devil is really in the detail. When we’re talking hundreds of thousands of dollars, a fraction of a percent change in interest or repayment rates can save you a packet. This could mean retiring to your super yacht a few years earlier than planned. If that's your thing.

Facebook review from happy mortgage customer

Get the best mortgage rates

Keen to get the ball rolling? It's easy. Just fill in our online application so we can review where you're at and get the process started.

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5 star Facebook review from mortgage customer

It's not just about now. Squirrels like to plan for the future.

We don't see what we do as a transaction. We've built our business over the last 10 years on building and maintaining relationships with our clients, and we understand that circumstances change throughout life. So we'll look at your overall future plan and advise you based on your goals.

Our door's always open so you can pop back whenever you'd like to reassess your situation, or of course when your fixed rate is up for review.

Unsure about it all? We've got a handy guide to help

Our guide to refixing and refinancing has all the tips you need to manage your mortgage. Find out how you could pay it off faster and save tons in interest over all.

Get the guide

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