Today we're announcing the appointment of David Cunningham as Squirrel's new CEO, set to take up the role in July 2022.
Formerly CEO of Cooperative Bank, David brings a wealth of banking and wider sector experience to the position – which will be vital to driving the company forward on its mission of growth and innovation. Cunningham says:
Squirrel has become an industry leader that constantly challenges the status quo. I’m genuinely excited to be joining this amazing team.
Cunningham will take over from Squirrel founder, John Bolton, who will stay closely involved in the day-to-day running of the business, as an Executive Director and Adviser.
Bolton says, “I’ve known Dave for many years. He’s an exceptional CEO that we’re lucky to have nabbed. With his appointment, we’re doubling our drive and horsepower so we can continue to innovate and maintain our high growth without breaking things. We’ve built a very strong leadership team who know banking but also want to do it differently and better – and this is the next phase of that mission.”
John Bolton said he will keep working as an Adviser and stay close to customers and what is going on in the market.
“Squirrel is a complex business with both borrowers and investors to look after. I just love getting amongst it, which is great to a point, but as we grow and take on more funding, we need a full time CEO across everything to help take us to the next level,” concludes Bolton.