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21 July 2016

Auckland housing market and market correction

Typical of our tabloid media we get the usual fear driven headlines designed to sell papers.

27 February 2016

4 predictions for NZ property in 2016

How are your foresight skills? While none of us have time travelled from the future and know exactly what's going to happen (unlike Biff, from Back to the Future II), there are a lot of predictions for property floating about.

11 November 2015

Is it time to be conservative?

I’ve been saying for some time that we are living in a period of unusually high economic risks. How you plan around those risks will determine how you come out the other side when we go through the next big market correction.

14 October 2015

Is this the end of fiat money?

Flat money is paper money that comes into existence by government law. It is not valued to any ‘objective standard’ to say a commodity like gold or silver, so governments can produce as much money as they like. When you hear the expression ‘printing money’ that’s what is being referred to.

12 May 2015

Global economic overview

I’ve literally just got back from a week of conferences in the United States.

05 January 2015

Property Investor | The downside of leverage

A few clients have rediscovered recently that it isn’t always easy to release equity when selling property.

30 October 2014

Why cash is still king 7 years after the GFC

In a world with easy credit and awash with cash, asset prices have markedly increased. Capital needs to find a return. In a low growth world, it is driving down yields and increasing asset prices. That includes shares, bonds and property.

02 September 2013

Mortgage rate forecast - Why they will stay low

Whilst economists and most commentators are talking up rates I’m going to provide a different perspective.

16 June 2013

Money and investing - A bigger picture on property

A lot has been happening the past few weeks that has impacts for property and investors. There is so much going on, it is hard to bridge the gap between macro and micro factors affecting property.

28 January 2012

Mortgage Rates: Let the summer craziness begin

It’s hard to write about mortgages every month and keep it interesting! This month has been easier with the landscape subtly changing, mostly for the better.

15 August 2011

Our economic reality - Is there any order in chaos?

What is going on in the world at the moment is far more complex than a US budget deficit. There is massive wealth inequality between the rich and the middle class.

23 July 2011

Rate forecast: Can you hear the interest rate tom-toms?

I write this article a day after the consumer price index (CPI) inflation rate came out at 5.3% and already you can hear the beat of the interest rate tom-toms.