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18 July 2024

All eyes on interest rates: Key OCR dates for 2024/2025

As New Zealand holds its collective breath, waiting for interest rates to start falling again, here are the key OCR announcement dates you need in your diary for 2024 and 2025.

10 July 2024

Rodney’s Ravings: God was having an off moment when he decided we needed economic forecasters

Every quarter, the NZIER surveys a bunch of economic forecasters—from some of our largest financial institutions—to get their predictions of what's in store for our economy. Now, we know even the experts get it wrong sometimes, but how can they be getting it *this* wrong?

23 May 2024

Chance of rain — and falling house prices?

The Reserve bank has grown more concerned about the pace with which inflation is falling in New Zealand, and have slightly delayed their pick for when they cut the official cash rate from the middle of 2025 into the second half. But will there be a chance that house prices will start falling while the OCR stays stuck at 5.50%?

08 May 2024

Job worries take centre stage

At a time when more vendors are appearing, buyers are backing away. And it's not because of increased worries about interest rates or access to credit. Instead, worries about job security have taken centre stage.

25 April 2024

Property investors reveal their top concerns

Despite hopes of interest rate declines, booming population growth, and changes in tax rules, fewer investors are looking to make another property purchase. So why is this the case?

10 April 2024

Should we all just pack it in and move to Australia?

The economy is officially back in recession, and the prospects for a weaker labour market are scaring people. So, is everything bad and should we all go to Australia?

27 March 2024

The housing construction decline is causing headaches

Building costs have shot up by a whopping 40% over the last 3-4 years, and when you throw in sky-high interest rates and hurdles from the Resource Management Act, developers and home buyers alike are dealing with a real headache.

13 March 2024

Rising listings: Construction's got some hurdles to jump

Many Kiwi who had been holding off selling their properties are now putting them up for sale. But with plenty of existing properties entering the market, the outlook has just darkened further for developers of multi-unit complexes.

28 February 2024

Housing shortage worries? Not yet

The toilet paper shortage crisis is over — but is it turn for housing shortages in New Zealand?

14 February 2024

The housing market is moving, at a sluggish pace

If the Reserve Bank were to raise the cash rate again, they would overly depress the economy and end up having to cut interest rates aggressively through 2025 and 2026. So is it still likely that an extra tightening of monetary policy will occur?

06 December 2023

Housing market: New Government causing ripples not waves

Confirmation of the earlier than expected restoration of interest expense deductibility has not produced an extra surge in demand. The demand seems to be steadily increasing rather than surging. But what lies ahead?

04 December 2023

NZ vs. the world: How house prices have changed, here & overseas

Kiwi were chucked onto a wild house price rollercoaster in the wake of the first COVID-19 lockdown — but was this an exclusive ride for us, or have other countries been on the same ride?