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18 July 2024

All eyes on interest rates: Key OCR dates for 2024/2025

As New Zealand holds its collective breath, waiting for interest rates to start falling again, here are the key OCR announcement dates you need in your diary for 2024 and 2025.

18 July 2024

NZ property market update – July 2024

It finally looks like inflation is back in its box, and that means interest rate falls should be on the cards for sometime in 2024. But—with all the latest data pointing to a country firmly in recession—what cost has our battle against inflation had for New Zealand's economy?

10 July 2024

Rodney’s Ravings: God was having an off moment when he decided we needed economic forecasters

Every quarter, the NZIER surveys a bunch of economic forecasters—from some of our largest financial institutions—to get their predictions of what's in store for our economy. Now, we know even the experts get it wrong sometimes, but how can they be getting it *this* wrong?

11 June 2024

What do the new DTI limits mean for me?

Starting on the 1st July 2024, new DTI rules will come into effect in New Zealand, and just like with any new banking regulation they'll bring with them big changes for different parts of the housing market. So here's how DTIs could impact you.

11 June 2024

Opinion: The RBNZ has crossed a line with its new DTI limits

Ask the RBNZ, and it'll tell you it's putting DTIs in place to address concerns around affordability, and keep our financial system nice and stable. But Squirrel founder, JB, reckons the new rules are a ruse for the RBNZ to meddle where it shouldn't be - in wider housing policy.

23 May 2024

Chance of rain — and falling house prices?

The Reserve bank has grown more concerned about the pace with which inflation is falling in New Zealand, and have slightly delayed their pick for when they cut the official cash rate from the middle of 2025 into the second half. But will there be a chance that house prices will start falling while the OCR stays stuck at 5.50%?

23 May 2024

Why the Reserve Bank's inflation forecast could spell trouble for NZ's economy

Despite plenty of economic data showing enough damage has been done, the RBNZ is adamant rate falls won't be on the cards until 2025. And the reason for that, it turns out, is all down to a single number in the RBNZ's latest inflation forecast.

08 May 2024

Rodney’s Ravings: Why the market will likely lead the fall in interest rates

The Reserve Bank has a tradition of being too slow to hike and cut and is likely to continue this tradition because of its poor forecasting and lack of understanding of what is going on at the coalface of the economy. The market, however, is usually quicker to respond — will it be the one to lead a fall in interest rates this year?

03 May 2024

Opinion: The RBNZ needs to start cutting interest rates, ASAP

Most commentators are picking it'll be late 2024 (or worse, 2025) before interest rates start falling again — but the Chief, David Cunningham, reckons there's a strong case for the RBNZ to begin dropping rates much sooner.

01 May 2024

NZ housing market update - May 2024

It's tough going out there at the moment, and we're all feeling it in one way or another. The housing market is subdued, and NZ economic data is painting a pretty bleak picture. So the question on everyone's minds is: when will interest rates start to fall again?

18 April 2024

Opinion: Inflation falls to 4%...or does it?

According to bank economists, NZ’s latest inflation stats make it clear it’s far too soon think about dropping interest rates. But the Chief, David Cunningham, reckons the official numbers don’t paint an accurate picture of the situation.

10 April 2024

Rodney's Ravings: RBNZ doesn't need new labour market indicators, it needs better judgement

New research from the RBNZ highlights the four key indicators that (it believes) give us the best idea of where inflation is at, and where it's headed. But Squirrel guest blogger, Rodney Dickens, reckons it's the RBNZ's judgement that needs work more than anything.